APCtools - Routines for Descriptive and Model-Based APC Analysis
Age-Period-Cohort (APC) analyses are used to differentiate
relevant drivers for long-term developments. The 'APCtools'
package offers visualization techniques and general routines to
simplify the workflow of an APC analysis. Sophisticated
functions are available both for descriptive and regression
model-based analyses. For the former, we use density (or
ridgeline) matrices and (hexagonally binned) heatmaps as
innovative visualization techniques building on the concept of
Lexis diagrams. Model-based analyses build on the separation of
the temporal dimensions based on generalized additive models,
where a tensor product interaction surface (usually between age
and period) is utilized to represent the third dimension
(usually cohort) on its diagonal. Such tensor product surfaces
can also be estimated while accounting for further covariates
in the regression model. See Weigert et al. (2021)
<doi:10.1177/1354816620987198> for methodological details.